Hypebot Hit Song Contest

If you haven't caught word yet, the blog Hypebot is sponsoring a Hit Song Contest. What makes this contest unique is that the lyrics were written using the words most often used in the Top 50 downloaded songs for the year. Yes, a completely manufactured lyric!  The challenge is to write "the most stereotypical pop song" using the provided lyrics. And the lyrics are, well, awful in a funny sort of way.

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Studio Rats Podcast #5 - Recording Acoustic Guitar

In this episode of the Studio Rats Podcast, Jeff and I discuss recording the acoustic guitar. We touch on topics such as microphone placement, the merits of recording that really horrible sounding direct output found on most acoustic guitars these days, and emulating the Beatles white album acoustic guitar sound. 

Additional topics include; our take on Apogee’s new Symphony I/O, the Ovation guitar as a paddle, why I remind Jeff of his Aunt, mixing Mumble, and King Never rehearsals.

Special thanks to the band Triangle Exception for providing the music.